A few months ago I replaced the gasket on the green egg. During a pizza bake I managed to bake the gasket as well..
I went with a Nomex Gasket
I'd rate this as a fairly easy exercise, but it takes some diligence and patience. Total elapsed time was about an hour.
Some pictures:
Gasket before replacement:
I put down some paper bags to make sure the gunk from the old gasket didn't get everywhere:
I took my time and slowly scraped the old gasket off with a putty knife.. going over it three or four times.
I then cleaned the edges with acetone:
Once the edges of the egg were all dried I cut the new gasket in half. Pulled back and edge and slowly ran it around egg pushing down and peeling the backing off as I went.
Here's a picture with the new gasket installed:
Couldn't have been happier with the results. It performs just as I'd hope, I've done multiple high temp pizzas with no issue.